Publications 1989-2000


B. López, A. Aldea, R. Bañares-Alcántara. Intelligent Agents to Human Resource Allocation in the Design of a Chemical Process. SEID 2000, Ourense, Spain.
A. Aldea, B. López, R. Bañares-Alcántara. The Use of Intelligent Agents to Manage Human Resources in the Design of Chemical Processes”, Butlletí ACIA 2000, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain.
A. Aldea, B. López. A. Moreno, D. Riaño, A. Valls. Sistema multi-agente de soporte a la coordinación de transplantes, INFORMED2000, Madrid, Spain.
M.A. García, A. Larré, B. López, A. Oller. Reducing the Complexity of Geometric Selective Disassembly. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2000), October-Novembre 2000, Takamatsu, Japan, vol2, 1474-1479, ISBN-0-7803-6351-5
 B. López. Planning and Scheduling at URV. The PLANET Newsletter (1):26-28, 2000


B. López, E. Plaza. Case-based learning of plans and goal-states in medical diagnosis. In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 9, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 29-60.
B. López, B. Campderrich, I. Ordoyo, J.R. Freixanet. An Expert System to Customize a CASE tool. In:  CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY. Editors: J Kyu Lee, J. Liebowitz, Y. Moon Chae, vol. I, Cognizant Communication Corporation, Korea, 1996, pp. 379-386.
B.López, S. Álvarez, P. Millán, D. Puig, D. Riaño, V. Torra. Multistage vision system for road lane marking and obstacle detection. Proc. European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference (EURISCON’94), Málaga, Spain, 1994, pp. 489-497.
B.  López, E. Plaza. Case-based planning for medical diagnosis. In: Methodologies for Intelligent Systems. Editor: J. Komorowski & Z.W. Ras, Springer-Berlag, 1993, pp. 96-105.
R. Sangüesa, B. López, D. Riaño, V. Torra. Extracción de la señalización horizontal mediante restricciones difusas. Proc. Tercer Congreso de la Asociación Española de Robótica, Zaragoza, Sapain, 1993, pp.  247-251.
B. López. Learning and generation of plans for experts systems. AI Communications, 1993. vol. 6, num 3-4, pp. 248-249. PhD Summary. DOI: 10.3233/AIC-1993-63-416.
B. López. Reactive planning through the integration of a case-based system and a rule-based system. In: Prospects for Artificial Intelligence. Editor: A. Sloman, D. Hogg, G. Humphreys, A. Ramsay & D. Partridge, IOS Press, 1991, pp. 189-198.
B. López. CONKRET: A control knowledge refinement tool. In: Validation, Verification and Test of Knowledge Based Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1991, pp. 191-206.
B. López, E. Plaza. Case-based learning of strategic knowledge. In: Machine Learning EWSL-91. Editor: Y. Kodratoff, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series, Springer-Verlag, 1991, pp. 398-411.
B. López, P. Meseguer, E. Plaza. Kowledge-based systems validation: A state of the art. AI Communications, 1990. vol. 3, num 2, pp. 58-72.
B. López, E. Plaza. Aprendizaje de conocimientos de control para sistemas expertos. Proc. III Reunión Técnica de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (AEPIA), Madrid, 1989, pp. 335-345.
J. Jaureguizar, B. López. ESA-CARDIO: Système expert pour le diagnostic, l’explication et l’apprentissage de cardiophtaties congènitales. Proc. Journées d’Informatique Médicale de Toulouse, Toulouse, 1989, pp. 368-376.

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