The algorithm was also evaluated using a database of
extracted from the DDSM mammographic database [67].
From this set,
depicted a true mass, while the rest,
, were normal, but suspicious tissue. According to the size
of the lesion, we used six different groups of RoIs. Each group of
RoIs corresponded to the following mass sizes intervals:
, and the number of masses en each
interval was respectively,
, and
Figure shows the mean
obtained using the leave-one-out strategy and varying the ratio
between both kind of RoIs. Note that, again, the performance of
both PCA and 2DPCA approaches decreases as the ratio of RoIs
depicting masses decrease. For the PCA approach we obtained
for the ratio
for the ratio
while using the 2DPCA approach we obtained
respectively. Thus, the 2DPCA approach obtained better
performances than the PCA.
values for the ratio
are detailed in the first row
of Table
. The overall performance of
the system at this ratio is
for PCA and
for the
2DPCA. As in MIAS results, both approaches are more suitable for
false positive reduction of larger masses than smaller ones. As
already explained, this is due to the fact that larger masses have
a larger variation in grey-level contrast with respect to their
surrounding tissue than smaller masses, which are usually more
subtle, even for an expert.
Comparing the results between both MIAS and DDSM databases, it is obvious that the ones obtained using MIAS were better than the obtained using the DDSM database. This is mainly due to two different reasons: firstly, the fact that we can extract a more larger subset of RoIs using the DDSM than using the MIAS database, and secondly, the masses in MIAS database were larger than in the DDSM, and as we have explained, this is an important increasing factor of the performance of both algorithms.
Finally, Figure shows the mean kappa
statistic obtained using the leave-one-out strategy at a
determined threshold (
). The same behaviour found for the
values is repeated. Thus, the performance of both approaches
are reduced when increasing the number of normal tissue. Comparing
with the results obtained using the MIAS database, accuracy is
also reduced. For the 2DPCA approach, only when there is one or
two RoIs with normal tissue for each RoI with masses the agreement
is almost perfect, while for ratio one-to-three the
agreement is substantial and for the rest of cases it is in
the high part of the moderate agreement.
Using this large dataset, we can compare the proposed PCA and
2DPCA-based algorithms with the ones surveyed at the beginning of
this chapter. With the same ratio
Sahiner et
al. [157] and Qian et al. [144] obtained
values of
respectively. While the performance of
the PCA-based approach is inferior to the other algorithms, the
2DPCA-based approach clearly outperforms the results of Qian et
al. In contrast, the mean value obtained using this approach is
inferior to the one obtained by Sahiner et al.
Comparing with the other approaches where the authors use the
, the PCA approach still has inferior values. However,
the 2DPCA approach outperforms the existing approaches.
As an illustration of the information provided by PCA
analysis5.4. Figure shows the nine
images constructed by using the nine first eigenvectors of the
third group of RoIs. Note that each image contributes with
different information to the system. For instance, the first image
(the first eigenvalue) represents the main variation in the
grey-level transition going from top-left to down-right. The
second one represents the variation of the grey-level values from
the outside and the inside of the image. Note also that this
second eigenvector is related to the non-presence of masses, as
well as eigenvectors
are related to their presence.