In this section we evaluate the results of the combination of both
developed algorithms: the Bayesian template matching algorithm
developed in Chapter and the false
positive reduction approach developed in this chapter. Thus, for
training the algorithms two different subsets are necessary: one
to construct the template for finding the suspicious regions and
another one to discard the suspicious regions actually being
normal tissue. It is important to note that the first subset
contains only RoIs depicting masses, while the second one contains
different kind of RoIs. Moreover, we only use the 2DPCA approach
for false positive reduction since we have demonstrated that
outperforms PCA.
Similar to Section the evaluation is done
using a leave-one-out methodology and Receiver Operating
Characteristics (ROC) analysis. In the leave-one-out methodology,
each mammogram is analyzed using a model created with the rest of
RoIs not belonging to this mammogram, and this procedure is
repeated until all mammograms have been used as a query image. The
evaluation is done here using the MIAS database.