Purpose of this website

This webpage provides a summary and installation instuctions of software that may be used for longitudinal MRI registration.
Our main aim is to collect and facilitate the research in brain registration, mainly in longitudinal studies and, specifically, for multiple sclerosis patients follow-up. Links to the most popular registration methods and instructions for its installation are given. At the moment, no gold standard algorithm exists for longitudinal brain registration, hence our toolbox provides a useful resource for carrying out a comparative study for each individual application.
If you feel interesting our webpage and use some of the resources given, please cite the following paper in your research:
- Y.Diez, A.Oliver, M.Cabezas, S.Valverde, R.Martí, J.C.Vilanova, Ll.Ramió-Torrentà, A.Rovira, and X.Lladó. Intensity based methods for brain MRI longitudinal registration. A study on multiple sclerosis patients. Neuroinformatics, 12(3), pp 365-379, 2014.