Registration Methods

The following methods have been tested and are included in our toolbox:
- Rigid (ITK)
- Affine (ITK)
- B-Splines (ITK)
- Nifty Reg
- Demons (ITK)
- Diffeomorphic Demons (ITK)
- SyN (ITK)
- SPM8 Dartel
In the useful resources section there is the zip with the provides scripts. The libraries needed to run the scripts are found in the documentation tab. Before this, however, you should check the requirements tab.
Execution scripts
Bash test scripts are included in order to execute the methods and also compute difference images and store deformation fields. Find them in the “testScripts” folder. These scripts also include some of the parameters used for registration in the study presented in the paper. For those not present (mainly number of iterations and MR levels, default values where 1000 and 4, respectively).
Utility code
Image stats, deformation field stats, image difference and some further code for storing transformations in itk format are also provided and are compiled together with ITK based methods. For examples on their usage, see test scripts.