Purpose of this website

This webpage provides a summary and installation instructions of software that may be used for skull stripping in brain MRI.
Automating the brain segmentation in neuroimaging is a crucial step in many studies and it allows the automatic analysis of large clinical studies. Over the last years, several skull stripping approaches have been presented, reaffirming the crucial importance of this step. In this page we provide links to different algorithms and also a novel one to perform this tedious task.
If you feel interesting our webpage and use some of the resources given, please cite the following paper in your research:
- E. Roura, A. Oliver, M. Cabezas, J.C. Vilanova, A. Rovira and Ll. Ramió-Torrentà, X. Lladó. MARGA: Multispectral adapting region growing algorithm for brain extraction on axial MRI. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 115(3), pp. 147-161. 2014.