We include in this section a comparison between our strategy for breast density classification and the others found in the literature. In fact, the main difference among these approaches is the density segmentation, which can be divided in three general approaches: no density segmentation, segmentation according to the distance to the skin-line, and segmentation according to the internal tissue.
To quantitatively compute the improvement provided by our strategy, the same features and classifier as proposed are used. Below, the strategies are explained in more detail.
To quantitatively measure the improvement of our proposal we used
in this experiment the MIAS database [169] with the
annotations obtained from the consensus opinion (the set
mammograms divided as
III, and
BIRADS IV). The same leave-one-woman-out procedure
explained is used to evaluate each strategy.
The confusion matrix for the first strategy (no segmentation) is
shown in Table (a). The overall
performance of this approach is
, and detailed for each
class, we obtained
, and
, from BIRADS
I to BIRADS IV respectively. Note that mammograms with low density
are better classified than mammograms with high density.
Table (b) shows the results obtained
by the second approach, which is the segmentation of the breast in
regions according the distance to the skin-line. Note that the
performance is highly increased compared with the no-segmentation
approach, resulting in
correct classification. The highests
improvement are found in mammograms belonging to BIRADS I and
BIRADS III, obtaining respectively
Finally, Table shows the results
obtained by using a segmentation of the breast according to the
internal breast tissue. Here (a) shows the results obtained by the
Fuzzy C-Means approach, (b) based on the Fractal approach, and (c)
using the Statistical approach. Note that the overall performance
for each algorithm is similar:
, and
respectively, and all of them are clearly better than the results
obtained by the other two approaches.
The results obtained by the Fuzzy C-Means and the Statistical
approach are quite similar for all classes except BIRADS III. For
BIRADS I both approaches obtained
correct classification,
for BIRADS II the Statistical approach obtained
while the
Fuzzy C-Means
, and for BIRADS IV both approaches obtained
. In contrast, for BIRADS III the performance of the Fuzzy
C-Means is better, increasing the percentage of correct
classification from
. On the other hand, the
performance of the Fractal approach is slightly different. It
correct classification for mammograms belonging to
BIRADS I, while for the rest of classes this is reduced to
, and
from BIRADS II to BIRADS IV, respectively.
Figure shows the segmentation of the
breast according to the compared strategies. Except for BIRADS I,
the three last columns (which corresponds to the segmentation
algorithms that use breast tissue information) show similar
results, and thus the classification results for these strategies
are also similar. Note that for
BIRADS I the Fuzzy C-Means obtains a singular result,
grouping in a cluster most of the pixels of the breast except
those located near the skin-line, which form the second cluster.
This is due to the fact that, for this set of mammograms, the
breast is almost homogeneous and the algorithm only can
distinguish between those pixels with different compressed tissue
(the region is darker in those regions with less compressed
tissue). As discussed in Section , the
breast texture information is in the breast tissue cluster, while
the small ribbon-like cluster does not provide significant
information to the system.
Analyzing in more detail the segmentations of the mammograms belonging to the rest of BIRADS categories, one can conclude that the fractal approach provides a pixelated segmentation, while the statistical approach obtains larger and clearly separated regions. On the other hand, the Fuzzy C-Means performance is an intermediate solution and, thus, classification results are slightly improved compared to the other two.
The obtained results show that the segmentation step increase the
performance of the classification, improving the results by, at
. Moreover, we have noticed that using the
segmentation according to the breast tissue clearly outperforms
the segmentation according to the distance to the skin-line. We
have also noted that the strategy used to segment the internal
breast tissue does not provide a major variation in the results,
with the Fuzzy C-Means based results slightly better than the
other ones.