In the conclusions of Chapter we showed that the
sensitivity of most of the mass detection algorithms decreases as
the density of the breast increases. In order to take advantage of
such information, we introduce a breast density classification
step with the goal of increasing the overall breast mass
detection. This step consists in a first classification of the
database of RoIs according to the breast density parameter.
Therefore, we can divide our database of images, not only
according to the shape but also based on their breast density.
Note that this training step needs a huge database of mammograms with annotated masses. However, the MIAS database does not provide this set. For this reason, in this chapter we will train the system using the DDSM database, while the MIAS will only be used for evaluation. Moreover, in order to evaluate the improvement of using this information, we will repeat our experiments of mass detection for both situations: the first one in which the original database of RoIs is directly used and the second one in which the database of RoIs is previously classified according to the breast density.
The rest of this chapter is structured as follows.
Section describes in more detail this
pre-classification step. Afterwards, Section
and Section
explain the obtained results for
the mass detection and the false positive reduction algorithms
respectively. In Section
the results obtained
using a new digital database are described. This will prove the
effectiveness of our method also on this kind of images. The
chapter ends with a discussion.