Dr. Xavier Cufí
Associate Professor. Computer Vision and Robotics Group

   Grup de Visio per Computador i Robotica
       Departament d'Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Computadors (ATC)
       Campus Montilivi - Edifici P-IV, Universitat de Girona
       17071 Girona, Spain.

   Phone: 00 34 972 418757 / fax: 00 34 972 418976


  Publications and Research Contributions 

  1. [ICINCO 2012] A. Bosch, X. Cufí, J.L. De la Rosa, A. Figueras. "Position Paper: Robot-Dog-Human Interaction in Urban Search and Rescue Scenarios. Improving the Efficiency of Rescue Teams in Hazardous Scenarios". Proceedings of ICINCO 2012. 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. To be published. Rome, July 2012
  2. [IROS 2012] N. Hurtós, X. Cufí, Y. Petillot, Q. Salvi. "Fourier-based Registrations for Two-Dimensional Forward-Looking Sonar Image Mosaicing". Proceedings of IROS 2012. IEEE International Conference on Robots and Systems. To be published. Algarve (Portugal), October 2012
  3. [EDULEARN 2012] X. Cufí, M. Villanueva, A,. ElFakdi, R. Garcia, J. Massich. "Team-based Building of a Remotely Operated Robot as a Method to Increase the Interest for Engineering among Secondary School Students". Proceedings of EDULEARN 2012. 4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. To be published. Barcelona, July 2012
  4. [JUTE 2012a] E. Muntaner, J. L. De la Rosa, J. Freixenet, B. Innocenti, X. Cufí, A. Figueras, C. Echazarreta, M. Peracaula, M. Estebanell. "Fomentando el Pensamiento Creativo a través de las Tecnologías TIC-Media". Proceedings of JUTE 2012. 20th Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnologia Educativa. To be published. Girona, June 2012
  5. [JUTE 2012b] M. Niell, E. Muntaner, M. Peracaula, X. Lladó, X. Cufí, M. Estebanell, Joan Valles, J. Freixenet. "Combinando Actividades Tecnológicas y Artísticas para Fomentar el Pensamiento Crítico y el Trabajo en Equipo. Una Experiencia en el Proyecto TIC-TAC". Proceedings of JUTE 2012. 20the Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnologia Educativa. To be published. Girona, June 2012
  6. [Invited talk EIIC 2012] X. Cufí. "Building and Driving R2B2. Team-based Building of a ROV for Secondary School Students". Invited Talk. Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales de Catalunya. Jornadas de la Robotica en las Escuelas. Barcelona, April 2012
  7. [Journal Robotic Autonomous Systems 2011] B. Bacca, J. Salvi, X. Cufí. "Appearance-based Mapping and Localization for Mobile Robots using a Feature Stability Histogram". Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol 59 Issue 10, pp. 840-857. October 2011
  8. [OMNIVIS 2011] B. Bacca, J. Salvi, X. Cufí. "Range-Augmented Omnidireccional Vision in Appearance-based SLAM Indoor Navigation". Proceedings of OMNIVIS 2011. 11th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-Classical Cameras (organized jointly with ICCV'2011). Barcelona, November 2011
  9. [CCIA 2011] B. Bacca, J. Salvi, X. Cufí. "Probabilistic Appearance-based Mapping and Localization using the Feature Stability Histogram". Proceedings of CCIA 2011. 14th Congres Catala Inteligencia Artificial. Lleida, October 2011
  10. [Invited talk PLOCAN 2011] X. Cufí. "Building and Driving R2B2. Team-based Building of a ROV for Secondary School Students". Invited Talk. Plataforma Oceanografica de Canarias. Jornadas de Formación. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, November 2011
  11. [EDUCON 2011] X. Cufí, M. Villanueva, A,. ElFakdi, R. Garcia, J. Massich. "Atracting Talent to Increase Interest for Engineering among Secondary School Students". Proceedings of IEEE EDUCON 2011. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering Education. Aman (Jordan), April 2011
  12. [Workshop JCTE 2011] X. Cufí, M. Villanueva, A. ElFakdi. "Talleres de Robotica Submarina para Estudiantes de Secundaria". 1a Jornada de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Educación. Girona, June 2011
  13. [CARVI 2011a] E. Muntaner, B. Innocenti, X. Cufí, A. Figueras, J.L. De la Rosa, J. Roca, M. Estebanell, C. Echazarreta, J. Freixenet. "UdiGital.edu: Impulsando la Creatividad a través de las Tecnologias TIC-Media". Proceedings of CARVI 2011. 9th Congreso de Aplicaciones de la Realidad Virtual. Vitoria-Gasteiz, November 2011
  14. [ICERI 2011a] E. Muntaner, B. Innocenti, X. Cufí, A. Figueras, J.L. De la Rosa, J. Roca, M. Estebanell, C. Echazarreta, J. Freixenet. "UdiGital.edu: Encouraging Creative Lerning and Critical Thinking through Information and Communication Technologies". Proceedings of ICERI 2011. 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Madrid, November 2011
  15. [Journal Electronic Letters 2010] B. Bacca, J. Salvi, J. Batlle, X. Cufí. "Appearance-based Mapping and Localization using Feature Stability Histogram". Electronic Letters, Vol 46 Issue 16. 2010.
  16. [Book CONTROL for NAVIGATION of MOBILE ROBOT 2010] Ll. Pacheco, N. Luo, X. Cufí. "Local Model Predictive Control for Navigation of a Wheeled Mobile Robot using Monocular Information". Control for Navigation of a Mobile Robot using Monocular Data. Lambert Academoc Publishing AG&CO ISBN: 978-3-8383-6061-4, 2010 (186 pages). 2010.
  17. [IROS 2010] B. Bacca, E.M. Mouaddib, X. Cufí. "Embedding Range Information in Omnidirectional Images through Laser Range Finder". Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010). Taipei (Taiwan). 2010.
  18. [CCIA 2010] B. Bacca, J. Salvi, X. Cufí. "Mapping and Localization for Mobile Robots through Environment Appearance Update". Proceedings of 13th Congres Catala Intelligencia Artificial (CCIA 2010). Espluga de Francolí, Tarragona. October 2010.
  19. [OMNIVIS 2010] B. Bacca, E.M. Mouaddib, X. Cufí. "Range Information in Omnidirectional Images through Laser Range Finder". Proceedings of 10th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-Classical Cameras (OMNIVIS 2010). Zaragoza. 2010.
  20. [AQTR 2010] J. Cobos, Ll. Pacheco, X. Cufí, D. Caballero. "Integrating Visual Odometry and Dead-Reckoning for Robot Localization and Obstacle Detection". Proceedings of IEEE – TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR’2010). Cluj-Napoca (Rumania). 2010.
  21. [OCEANS 2010] N. Hurtós, X. Cufí, J. Salvi. "Calibration of of optical camera coupled to acoustic multibeam for underwater 3D scene reconstruction" (awarded contribution). Proceedings of OCEANS 2010 IEEE Conference. Sidney (Australia). 2010.
  22. [Journal Education Engineering 2009] Ll. Pacheco, N. Luo, I. Ferrer, X. Cufí. "Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration through an Applied Mobile Robotics Course". International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 4 pp. 830 - 840, 2009
  23. [WEB Pub wiki HISPAROB 2009] X. Cufí, R. Titos. "Paletización de Productos Heterogéneos". Wiki HISPAROB, 2009
  24. [MARTECH 2009] N. Hurtós, X. Cufí, J. Salvi. "Integration of Optical and Acoustic Sensors for 3D Underwater Scene Reconstruction". Proceedings of 3th International Workshop on Marine Technology (Martech’09). Vilanova i La Geltrú. 2009.
  25. [CCIA 2009] B. Bacca, J. Salvi, X. Cufí. "Appearance-based SLAM for Mobile Robots: A Review". Proceedings of 12th Congres Catala Intelligencia Artificial (CCIA’09). Vilanova i La Geltrú. 2009.
  26. [ICERI 2009] R. Martí, J. Salvi, X. Cufí. "Erasmus Mundus European Master in Vision and Robotics (VIBOT): Experiences, Present and Future". Proceedings of IATED International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI’09). Madrid. 2009.
  27. [ICERI 2009b] Ll. Pacheco, N. Luo, I. Ferrer, X. Cufí. "knowledge Integration using Open Mobile Robot Platforms". Proceedings of IATED International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI’09). Madrid. 2009.
  28. [ICINCO 2009] Ll. Pacheco, X. Cufí, N. Luo, J. Cobos. "A Monocular Occupancy Grid for Local WMR Navigation". Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO’09). Milan (Italy). 2009.
  29. [INTED 2009] W. García, M. Carreras, J. Meléndez, X. Cufí. "Management of Master Thesis based on Skills". Proceedings of International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED’09). Valencia. 2009.
  30. [ICARA 2009] Ll. Pacheco, X. Cufí, N. Luo, J. Cobos. "Local WMR Navigation with Monocular Data". Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents (ICARA’09). Wellington (New Zealand). 2009.
  31. [SNRFAI 2001] J. Martí, J. Freixenet, X. Lladó, X. Muñoz i X. Cufí. "A New Approach to Natural Object Labelling in Colour Aerial Images". SNRFAI-2001. Castelló de la Plana, 2001.
  32. [SNRFAI 2001] J. Freixenet, X. Muñoz, X. Cufí, J. Martí i X. Lladó. "CHAMALEON: a Region-Based Image Retrieval System". SNRFAI-2001. Castelló de la Plana, 2001.
  33. [UdG 2001] J. Martí, J. Freixenet, X. Cufí, X. Muñoz, J. Batlle, R. Garcia, X. Lladó, Assignatura Visió per Computador. Elaboració i muntatge d'un conjunt de pràctiques que reflecteixin la realitat del món industrial. La innovació docent a la Universitat de Girona: presentació de projectes d'investigació docent, pp.57-67, Girona 18 i 19 de desembre de 2001. ISBN:84-8458-183-7. 
  34. [ICIP 2000] J. Freixenet, X. Lladó, J. Martí i X. Cufí. "Use of Decision Trees in Colour Feature Selection. Application to Object Recognition in Outdoor Scenes". In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 3:496-499, Vancouver BC, Canada. 10-13 Setembre de 2000.


  1. [PhD Bacca 2012] Eval Bladimir Bacca. "Appearance-Based Mapping and Localization using Feature Stability Histograms for Mobile Robot Navigation". European Ph.D. Thesis in Technology of the University of Girona. Supervised by Dr. Xavier Cufí and Prof. Joaquim Salvi. University of Girona (Spain), June 2012.
  2. [PhD Pacheco 2009] Lluís Pacheco. "Local Model Predictive Control for Navigation of a Wheeled Mobile Robot using Monocular Information". Ph.D. Thesis in Technology of the University of Girona. Supervised by Dr. Xavier Cufí and Dr. Ningsu Luo. University of Girona (Spain). June 2009.
  3. [PhD Garcia 2001] Rafael Garcia Campos. "A Proposal to Estimate the Motion of an Underwater Vehicle through Visual Mosaicking". Ph.D. Thesis in Technology of the University of Girona. Supervised by Dr. Xavier Cufí. University of Girona (Spain). September 2001.
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