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I am an Iranian PhD student in University of Girona, Spain (Since spring 2014), working on “a probabilistic approach to opinion prediction in text-based social networks”.
I have a mathematical background from my master in which I published 3 journal papers on my idea and co-authored 1 other on my group-mate's thesis area.
My PhD focus is on Sentiment Prediction under supervision of the Prof. Josep Lluis de la Rosa, co-supervision of Prof. Esteve del Acebo, and mentoring of Prof. El-Fakdi and Dr. Albert Trias.
Up to now, in my PhD (in Agent Research Lab (ARLab)), I had activities, in 4 scopes:
1- Presenting a generalized significance weight for similarity measures used in Recommender Systems as a preliminary work to be used in sentiment prediction process. The related article has been submitted (July 2015).
2- Presenting Sentiment Variable (SV), a new uncertainty-thoery-based idea as a core for sentiment analysis. My preliminary examinations had promising results and I am keeping on this line.
3- Providing an upgraded version of WordNet.
4- A new possibilistic approach to text-classification and its application on sentiment classification.

, I started to visit some universities as well as research centers:  (1) On July & August 2015 I visited the SCIIP under supervision of Prof. Mohammad-R Akbarzadeh-T (the inventor of probabilistic fuzzy logic) and went deeper on possibility theory. Thenafter, as a pure "sentiment analysis" phase of my thesis, on September, I started a research visit, in STLab, under supervision of Prof. Aldo Gangemi and his assistant Dr. Diego Reforgiato, working on the uncertain approaches to sentiment analysis. However, becaues Prof. Gangemi is a professor at University of Paris 13, by beginning the Parisian academic semester, I went to LIPN working on the same direction. I am already in Girona, for writing process of my entire studies.