Breast cancer is considered a major health problem in western
countries, and indeed it constitutes the most common cancer among
women in the European Union [48]. A study developed in
by the American Cancer Society estimates that in the United
States between one in eight and one in twelve women will develop
breast cancer during their lifetime [1]. This proportion
is reduced in our country, Catalonia, where it is estimated that
one in sixteen women will develop breast cancer during their
lifetime [58].
In the European Community, breast cancer represents
cancer deaths and the
of all cancer cases [47].
of all breast cancer deaths occur in women diagnosed
between ages
years. In the United States, for
instance, breast cancer remains the leading cause of death for
women in their forties [21].
However, although breast cancer incidence has increased over the past decade, breast cancer mortality has declined among women of all ages [162]. This favourable trend in mortality reduction is considered to be related to the widespread adoption of mammography screening [3,39,71,162,170,176] which allows to detect the cancer at its early stages, and to the improvements made in breast cancer treatment [21].