ROC analysis for the evaluation of mass detection algorithms is
closely related to ROC analysis for classification evaluation.
Thus, each pixel of the image is treated as an instance of the
classification process, and thus it can be a pixel belonging to a
mass or a pixel not belonging to the mass. Therefore, this pixel
is compared to the same pixel on the image obtained from the
manually segmented image, resulting then in a well-classified
pixel or a bad-classified pixel. A pixel is well-classified if in
both images its state is the same: mass (in this case, it is a
true positive) or not mass (true negative). A pixel is
bad-classified if it has different state in both images: if the
pixel is classified as not mass by the radiologist and classified
as mass in the CAD system (false positive) or the inverse case
(false negative). Table summarizes this
notation. Note that is closely related to Table