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A Fast Breast Segmentation Algorithm with Pectoral
Muscle Suppression
The algorithm is explained in six points:
- Construction of the intensities histogram. The
histogram of a complete mammographic image has the behaviour shown in
- In the left (lower intensities values) there is a
large peak corresponding to the background pixels.
- In the middle (grey values) there are the pixels
corresponding to the breast itself.
- In the right (brightness pixels) there is another
peak corresponding to the pectoral muscle and annotations.
Figure A.1:
Typical histogram of a
mammogram. Clearly, there are three different zones: background in
lowest intensities, breast tissue in medium intensities, and
annotations and pectoral muscle in the highest intensities.
- A threshold is used to extract the image from
the background. The value of this threshold is determined using
the minimum value between the first two most important peaks,
which are the peaks of the background and the breast tissue.
- A Connected Component Labeling algorithm [38] is
used in order to recover
the largest region, which will be both the breast and pectoral muscle.
In general, this algorithm is useful to find not connected objects
in images.
- For segmenting the breast from the pectoral muscle a new
histogram of this biggest region is used. This histogram
contains two zones: the pectoral muscle and the breast tissue.
- A region growing algorithm is used to extract the pectoral
muscle region from the breast. The seed of this region growing
is placed inside the pectoral with value between the brightness
maximum and the minimum between the two zones of the histogram.
An automatic control is used in order to adjust the intensity
condition of the region growing that permits to identify a pixel
belonging to the region or not.
- The last step is the use of morphological operations
in order to smooth the boundary of the breast.
Figure A.2:
Sequence of
the breast profile segmentation. (a) is the original image, while
(b) is the result of thresholding the image. In (c) the CCL
algorithm has been applied in order to detect the biggest region,
and finally (d) is the segmented image without background and
pectoral muscle.
shows a typical mammogram
segmented using the above described approach. Its histogram is
shown in Figure
, and a threshold
between the two first major peaks is automatically selected in
order to binarize the image, obtaining the
(b). The result of applying this
threshold is a collection of different regions, being the biggest
the union of the breast and the pectoral muscle. This biggest
region can be extracted using a CCL algorithm
(c)). In the last image, the
breast has been extracted from the pectoral muscle using the
region growing algorithm above described.
As is shown in Figure
, this segmentation
results in a minor loss of skin-line pixels in the breast area,
but those pixels are deemed not to be relevant for mass
segmentation or breast density estimation, as the lost grey-levels
are darker than the rest of the pixels of the breast.
Figure A.3:
different examples of the breast profile segmentation using the
fast segmentatio algorithm.
Next: A Contour-Based Approach to
Up: Breast Profile Segmentation
Previous: Introduction
Arnau Oliver