Dr. Xavier Lladó      
ICREA Academia, Full Professor     dir     dir     dir

   Computer Vision and Robotics Institute
       Dept. d'Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Computadors (ATC)
       Campus Montilivi - Edifici P-IV, Universitat de Girona
       17003 Girona, Spain.

   Phone: +34 682805470 (5437) / fax: +34 972418976


  Short Bio

I received the B.S. degree in Computer Science (1999) and the PhD in Computer Engineering (2004) from the University of Girona (supervisors: Dr. Joan Martí and Prof. Maria Petrou). From 2004 to 2006, I was working as a Post-doctoral Research Assistant in the Department of Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London with Dr Lourdes Agapito. Currently, I'm an ICREA Academia and Full Professor of the Department of Computer Architecture and Technology of the University of Girona. My research interests are in the field of Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, with especial interest in medical image analysis where I'm leading different research projects and participating in transferring the developed technologies. I have published more than 200 papers in journals and conferences with peer review process. I am also reviewer of more than 20 JCR journals and 15 international conferences and I have been member of the Program Committee and the organization of several conferences. I'm also a senior member of the IEEE.


  • Medical Image Analysis: Mammography
    • Image segmentation
    • Feature extraction
    • False positive reduction
  • Medical Image Analysis: Prostate
    • MRI and US prostate segmentation
    • Active Appearance models
    • Point correspondence problem
  • Medical Image Analysis: Image registration
    • Brain MRI registration
    • Multichannel image registration (T1 and FA)
    • Multimodal Prostate registration
  • Motion segmentation
    • Manifold methods for motion segmentation
    • Local Subspace Affinity (LSA)
    • Enhanced Model Selection (EMS)
  • Astronomical Image Analysis
    • Faint source detection
    • Image segmentation
    • Faint source false positive reduction
  • SLAM from video
    • Landmark detection
    • Large scale SLAM techniques
    • Selective submap joining

      Postdocs and PhD Students  

  • [2025-2027] Agustín Cartaya. Deep learning for brain image synthesis. Codirected by A. Oliver.
  • [2024-2027] Clara Lisazo. Brain aging estimation from brain MRI images. Codirected by A. Casamitjana, A. Oliver.
  • [2024-2027] Hasna Hamadache. Generative deep learning models for domain adaptation in brain image biomarkers.
  • [2024-2027] Micaela Rivas. Diabetic foot ulcer segmentation and classification. Codirected by R. Martí
  • [2024-2026] Adrià Casamitjana. Multimodal and longitudinal brain image analysis.
  • [2023-2026] Cansu Yalçin. Self-supervised and semi-supervised deep learning techniques for brain image analysis. Codirected by A. Casamitjana, A. Oliver.
  • [2022-2025] U. Lal-Trehan Estrada. Predictive models for ischemic stroke fusing brain imaging and clinical data. Codirected by L. Giancardo.
  • [2022-2025] V. Abramova. Hemorrhagic stroke segmentation on CT images.
  • [2020-2024] Liliana Valencia. Applications of deep learning techniques in Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Multiple Sclerosis: from research innovations to clinical implementation. Industrial PhD. Codirected by Dr. S. Valverde, A. Oliver. 6th March 2025.
  • [2020-2024] Llucia Coll. Deep learning applied to brain MRI data for patient stratification and prediction of multiple sclerosis disease course. Codirected by C. Tur and D. Pareto. 6rh February 2024.
  • [2019-2023] Albert Clèrigues. Deep learning methods methods for extraction of neuroimage markers in the prognosis of brain pathologies. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver. 13th February 2023.
  • [2017-2020] Kaisar Kushibar. Brain structure segmentation via supervised deep learning. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver. 20th July, 2020.
  • [2017-2020] Jose Bernal. Supervised tissue segmentation in brain MRI images using Deep Learning. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver. 27th October, 2020.
  • [2016-2019] Richa Agarwal. Computer aided detection for breast lesion in ultrasound and mammography. Codirected with Dr. R. Martí and O. Díaz. 26th September, 2019
  • [2016-2019] Mostafa Salem. Deep learning methods for automated detection of new multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal magnetic resonance images. Codirected by Prof. J. Salvi.
  • [2015-2018] Sandra Gonzalez. Automated brain structures in magnetic ressonance images of multiple sclerosis patients. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver. Defense: 31th May 2019.
  • [2013-2018] Muhammad Habib. Motion annotation in complex video datasets. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver, Prof. J. Salvi. Defense: 16th November 2018.
  • [2013-2016] Eloy Roura. Automated methods on Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver. Defense: 1th July 2016. Nowadays working at Icometrix.
  • [2013-2016] Sergi Valverde. Brain tissue and MS lesion segmentation in MRI. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver. Defense: 14th June 2016.
  • [2011-2014] Marc Masias. Source detection approaches in astronomical images. With Dr. J. Freixenet and Dra. M. Peracaula. Defense: 29th July 2014.
  • [2010-2014] Onur Ganiler. Automated detection of new multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging. Defense: 24th October 2014.
  • [2010-2013] Mariano Cabezas. Atlas-based segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in brain MRI. Codirected by Dr. A. Oliver. Defense: 16th July 2013.
  • [2011-2012] Yago Diez. Postdoc: Brain MRI registration in patients with multiple sclerosis lesions.
  • [2008-2012] Albert Torrent. Simultaneous object detection and segmentation. Codirected by Dr. J. Freixenet. Defense: 8th July 2013.
  • [2007-2011] Luca Zappella. Manifold Clustering for Motion Segmentation. Codirected by Prof. J. Salvi. Defense: 30th June 2011. Nowadays in The Johns Hopkins University with Prof. R.Vidal