I am Associate Professor at the Computer Engineering Department of the University of Girona (UdG). From 2003 to 2007 I was the Director of the Computer Engineering Degree of the UdG, being involved in a pilot program for  adaptation to Bologna process. From September 2007 to March 2010 I was the head of VICOROB research group. In this period VICOROB has been recognized as member of the network for promoting the innovation in technology (Centre TECNIO) of the Catalan Government so that it is pushed forward transferring its knowledge to the industry. VICOROB also renew the label of quality as an outstanding research group of Catalonia (2009 SGR 380). From March 2010 to December 2011, I was the Director of the IIiA Institute of Informatics and Applications. I have also been involved in the creation of two spin-off companies: dset-solutions in 2004, and coronis computing in 2007.

My research is in two areas: 1) computer vision and pattern recognition and 2) creative lifelong learning. In the first area I am focusing on medical image analysis, multimedia and astronomic images, with special interest in object recognition, image segmentation, description and classification. I am also engaged in the improvement in detection and diagnosis of breast, prostate and melanoma cancer, and multiple sclerosis. I am new in the second area, but very passionated. I am leading the project UdiGital.edu, inspired on ideas from MIT Lifelong kindergarten lab, we are trying to design and test playful learning experiences. Here a list of my publications.

I am currently in the academic board of the Master VIBOT, and teaching courses like Operating Systems Project, Computer Architecture, Advance Image Processing, and transversal skills like communication and entrepreneurship in Bachelor and Master degrees.

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Some things I love