Publicacions 2010
J. Ferrer and R. Garcia. Bias Reduction for Stereo Triangulation.
In The IET Electronics Letters Journal, 46(25):1665-1666, Dec. 2010.
Publicacions 2009
R. Campos, J. Ferrer, M. Villanueva, L. Magí, R. Garcia. "Trinocular System for 3D Motion and Dense Structure Estimation,"
Instrumentation Viewpoint, 2009. ISSN 1697-2562 (Print) 1886-4864 (Online).
Publicacions 2008
J. Escartín, R. García, O. Delaunoy, J. Ferrer, N. Gracias, A. Elibol, X. Cufi, L. Neumann, D. J. Fornari, S. Humphris, and J. Renard,
Globally-aligned photo mosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal Vent Field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°18.5'N): release of geo-referenced data, mosaic construction and viewing software,
in Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems, 2008.
L. Pacheco, N. Luo and J. Ferrer, Local Model Predictive Control Experiences with Differential Driven Wheeled Mobile Robots, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied
Informatics (CEAI), No. 2, Vol. 10, pp. 59-67 June 2008.
L. Pacheco, N. Luo and J. Ferrer, S. Pennachio, ed., "Recent Advances in Control Systems, Robotics and Automation", pp. 103-111.
Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy: International Society for Advanced Research (INTERNATIONALSAR), second ed., Jan. 2008.
Publicacions 2007
J. Ferrer, A. Elibol, O. Delaunoy, N. Gracias and R. Garcia,
"Large-Area Photo-Mosaics Using Global Alignment and Navigation Data",
Oceans 2007 MTS/IEEE, (Vancouver, Canada), pp. 1-9, Sept. 2007.
J. Ferrer, N. Gracias, O. Delaunoy and R. Garcia,
"Creating Large and Accurate Mosaics of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge",
International Workshop on Marine Technology - Martech'07, (Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain), pp. 99-100, Nov. 2007.
T. Nicosevici, R. Garcia, S. Negahdaripour, M. Kudzinava and J. Ferrer,
"Identification of Suitable
Interest Points Using Geometric and Photometric Cues in Motion Video for
Efficient 3-D Environmental Modeling", IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (Rome, Italy), pp. 4969-4974, Apr. 2007.
L. Pacheco, N. Luo and J. Ferrer,
"Mobile Robot Local Predictive Control under Perception Constraints",
International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing, vol. 1, Issue 4, pp. 40-48, Oct. 2007.
Publicacions 2006
Publicacions 2005
R. Garcia, X. Cufí, R. Prados, A. Elibol, J. Ferrer, M.
Villanueva, T. Nicosevici, "Georeferenced Photo-Mosaicing of the
Seafloor", Instrumentation ViewPoint Journal, pp 45-46, no. 4, 2005.
R. Garcia, J. Ferrer, R. Prados, M. Villanueva, J. Escartin,
"Photo-mosaicing for environmental characterization: why is it so difficult?", Proceedings of the III MoMAR Workshop - Long-Term Monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,
(Lisbon, Portugal), pp. 39-40, Apr. 2005.
Publicacions 2004