We evaluated our algorithm using also the set of
mammograms obtained from Málaga database. In this experiment,
we used as a training set a database of RoIs extracted from the CC
views. Thus, the same leave-one-out methodology used before is
applied in order to not bias the results.
The mean
obtained for all mammograms was
, and
for algoritms d1, d2,
and Eig, respectively. Moreover,
shows the performance of the
algorithms depending on the mass size. Note that this time the
proposed algorithm obtains similar performance independently on
this factor, while the other algorithms vary its performance
depending on the mass size.
Using this database we can also compare the performance of our proposal when dealing with MLO views and CC views. Note that the performance for CC images seems more size independent than in MLO images. Further, in this case the mean is slightly increased. However, we consider that there are not enough images to obtain reliable conclusions.