This aspect of the evaluation mimics the radiologist in detecting
abnormalities (in this case abnormal masses). The FROC curves of
the eight algorithms based on the
mammograms are shown in
. In general, all the implemented
approaches have a tendency to over-segment and hence produce a
large number of false positives at high sensitivity rates.
show the best trade-off between
sensitivity and false positives per image.
This improved performance might be due to one aspect that these
three approaches have in common, which is the incorporation of
directional distribution information. This aspect is expected to
reduce the number of false positives which are likely to have a
more random distribution than true positive regions. This indicates
that spatial information is essential to reduce false positive
regions to more acceptable levels.
Computational Cost
We briefly evaluate and compare the computational cost of the
algorithms. Although the cost is not a relevant feature, it could
be taken into account if the aim of the system is to develop an
interactive tool, where the segmentation stage should be
relatively fast. Table shows the
comparison of the execution times for the
algorithms. As the MIAS database contains mammograms of different
sizes, we compute the mean time of segmentation (and its standard
deviation) of the algorithms at each size. It should be noted that
the large standard deviation in the segmentation time is caused by
variation in breast area.
are extremely fast in comparison with the
rest. This is due to the fact that both algorithms are based on
the use of filters which affect the whole image, whilst the other
algorithms are pixel-based. On the other hand, the necessity of
applying different size and shapes of the template in the pattern
matching (
) algorithm makes it extremely slow compared to the
rest. In addition, the necessity of algorithm
to search a
neighbourhood makes it also relatively slow.