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Thus, we consider that the main contributions of this Thesis are:
- An extensive survey of mass segmentation algorithms, which are
classified in both the strategy and the features used to segment
the mammograms. Moreover, from the quantitative comparison of
eight of these methods we prove that the breast density and the
size and shape of the masses are three parameters which
significantly influence the performance of the algorithms.
- A survey on breast classification methods. We review the
main methods found to classify the breasts according to their
internal density, highlighting their strategy, features, and the
classification used. Moreover, from the quantitative comparison of
the strategies, we found that grouping according to the pixel
appearance outperforms current strategies.
- A new algorithm for breast density classification based on tissue
segmentation and a posterior ensemble classification algorithms,
which is exhaustively evaluated using MIAS and DDSM database.
- A new proposal on mass detection, which takes the three
parameters above mentioned into account: the breast density which
is known a priori, and the shape and size of the masses which are
known during the matching step using the proposed Bayesian
algorithm. The performance is tested using MIAS and Trueta
databases while DDSM is used for training.
- A new false positive reduction algorithm based on the 2DPCA
approach. We have shown that this algorithm performs better when
training and testing with the same database.
- Finally, as a result of the close relationship with the Radiologic
Department of Hospital Josep Trueta of Girona, a new full-field
mammographic database has been compiled and made available.
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Previous: Summary of the Thesis
Arnau Oliver